Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Woman : Tips In around Lipstick

If your lipstick melt incured a heat, keep in refrigerator to bring back its form.
In order to lipstick seen natty, use foundation flattenedly before lipstick stomachache.
If appearance of lip wish durabel, use foundation flattenedly before stomachache lipstick.
So that lipstick not patch the tooth, after lipstick stomachache, put your finger in the middle of lip to vanish lipstick which patch the tooth.
You which have age 25-35 year suggested hence lipstick of in form of mate or gleam. While lipstick form krill more snugly for woman of have age to 35 year to for, because lipstick of form of more amount cream contain moisturizer.
If colour of lipstick in lip too bold, there is trik to angle. Use pencil of darkened lip from your lipstick newly the lipstick stomachache.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Woman with Tip Take Care of Bra

1. Paying attention to the way of cleaning bra. You can soak in soap water, last check slow. Don't be combed or processed by washing machine, it can destroy the form of bra.
2. After finished clean, bra don't be extorted, draped just direct. Water will dropp run dry. When even also wish to extort bra by hand, one by one the shares. Don't spin too hard because can destroy strand of metal bra.
3. Don't soak bra too long, max.15 minute. Avoid usage of bleaching of because can destroy bra and substance of bra.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Woman : Train Discipline to Child

Punishing child in not just punishing or arranging, but teach and educate child for apply moral value. Several things which it is important to know the parent :

1. Ensuring that good deed get present while ugly deed not get something.
2. Don not excessively prohibit. Excessively prohibit to make a child becoming not the self confidence
3. Clear. Don't give order which the abstraction and illogical word ," don't make angry mommy" that is something abstraction, because child do]not know what making angry his mom.
4. Give belief at child
Child will not expand goodness if non-stoped clamped down on. There is certain moment where we let child try self-supporting and give opportunity to child hold responsible to all his action.
5. Consistence principally is we are
If we wish child bow to order, hence we have to be consistent also to bow to order. We teach child throw away garbage at place, hence anywhere we reside in us have to exemplify to throw away garbage at place.
6. Converse to child in a fair way, do not abusing or screaming child.
They feel will sorrow and very injured, also can influencing and become traumatic even for them till adult.
7. Let child shoulder consequence from his deed.
For example angry child and spill glass of his milk to floor, let child clean of the milk. When child let his toys into peaces in floor and do not want to neaten, hence neaten toys keep in box let child cannot fiddle around with his toy during 1 month. Or if have multiplied times happened let the toys given to reformatory

A Woman with Intention Today

Today, I do not know when the death come fetching. In consequence I will pay attention to self improve, repairing my appearance, I will easy to give a smile and friendlier to others. Work ecstatically and able to give benefit at others.
Today I will give sorrowful bliss in them, feeding the hunger, consorting maltreated, respecting older and love young.
Today I will congratulate to omit past, for me yesterday embedded with sun sinking. I nor fear of tomorrow because day of tomorrow is the expectation.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Woman with the rule Beauty 1 Beauty All

A woman with the rule Beauty 1 Beauty All

In a dentist clinic, two women sit to await innings. One of them is enquire problem of is way of lessening oil of her hair. Woman interrogated to give unique answer, " Use baby powder.". This suggestion is whispered selfexplanatory by ear. A psychologist which sit not far from them is wonderment. " Hah?, It’s that true?" she said.
See this occurrence, real correct perhaps that it is true the woman do not want to share or prefer to close secret of their beauty. As a result, no more the beauty one beauty all which known as a beautiful circle.
Woman is wise figure which can sift effusing of and submit opinion. Different from man which can’t pay attention to each other, inclusive, do not care with appearance of his friend. In sharing tip beauty, woman prefer to be praised. Sometime rise an unique question when a friend ask secret of our beauty. Taking example " She more beauty than me, so why she ask me about my beauty secret?" There is an attitude each other distrust from each every woman. When you wish to know secret of beauty of somebody or friend, behave heartfelt don't like will transact or let look for information from one who you recognize wisdom and good and also draw in have appearance

A Woman with The Story About Love

Woman with The Story About Love

A lot of on file smart in story love
Love arise smart. Love to heal smart. And Love smart itself.
Where story love, hence the smart have never far from her/him.
In love with fulfilling your heart, will breaking your heart and healing heart injured.
And real correct it is true that each every story love, nothing, there is no final making happy. Cause sooner or later even love eternal itself one of the parties will come home in advance leave others in mourn and smart.
Love is blind and the love can open eye.
Fall in love with somebody from tribe differ, different level social or religion, will give experience hurting at one, sooner or later. Fall in love with somebody with view of different sexual from you'd bring smart and knowledge.
The Last but note least, love can make you die but love also can make you wish to stay alive

Sunday, May 11, 2008


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