Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspirational Poems for Woman : The Key of Success

The key to the success is a family which filled with love.

Just take a little house thing. It will be better than a grand palace that contains a lot of arguments.
Remember, the purpose of the success was to go home with a peace feeling.

Are we really hope to achieve with sustained effort and without fatigue to find fault with each other, and use all the deception to prove that our partner is wrong?
Do we need anger and hatred as a way to achieve a good life and be happy?

Why we do not choose a peaceful,understanding that accept and forgive, and a joyous innocence to one another?
Why is so important for us to feel right on the mistakes of our partner?
If we love one another, why do we seek satisfaction of the torture her heart?
Why do not we seek each other's joy for one another?
Why do we not see that our beloved worry is the defacement of our own lives?
Why is important for us to feel victory in partner's family and terkecilkan undefeated?

Be more peaceful, then see what happens............

Remember that
The purpose of all the success, was to go home with a feeling of peace.

Life is beautiful, only if we work to beautify our hearts.

Small message: When did you last time had a intimate dinner, just with your beloved wife or husband?

Indonesian meaning :

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Inspirational Poems for Woman : The Way I Love You

Yes, it may be true you're not doing

things my way, yet I love you,I honor the good in you,and I want the best for you, just the same."

"The love of a person implies not the possession of that person, but the affirmation
of that person in all their uniqueness"

"Those whose perception of others is unconditionally loving will receive unconditional love, enough for themselves and to give to others."

"Everyone, at any given time, is doing the very best they can with what they have.
When people learn better they do better."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Inspirational Poems for Woman : Unconditional Love

"I love you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world, or the way you feel that is right for you. It is important that you are the person you want to be and not someone that I or others think you should be."
I realize that I cannot know what is best for you although perhaps sometimes I think I do. I've not been where you have been, viewing life from that angle you have, I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom, or in what time period. I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need.

Inspirational Poems for Woman : Last Man Standing (sebaiknya pria tahu tentang ini)

Kebanyakan wanita Masih bingung menentukan siapa pria yang dipilihnya? Siapakah pria
beruntung yang pantas untuk mendapatkan hati kita para wanita? Tak mudah mencari jawabannya, apalagi butuh waktu yang tak sebentar untuk mengenal pribadi seseorang.
Cinta tak dapat hanya dibuktikan dengan kata-kata manis saja, sikap menunjukkan 80% rasa cinta seseorang. "I love you" saja kini memang tak cukup untuk membuat seorang wanita jatuh hati. Bukan bermaksud terlalu memilih, namun memang dengan kemajuan jaman ini kita dituntut untuk lebih selektif. Apalagi yang menjadi obyek pilihan ini adalah orang yang akan menjadi pendamping kita seumur hidup. Berarti harus lebih hati-hati kan?.....